At the Willesborough Schools, we teach our children to be scientists. Starting in Early Years, children are immersed in environments whereby vocabulary is pivotal. Our aim is for science vocabulary to underpin their experiences and enable children from reception to year 6 to become ‘scientists’, who can articulate their knowledge well. Our children are encouraged to be curious, ask questions and follow leads of enquiry to discover answers through use of their ‘Working Scientifically’ skills.
Our curriculum is based on the acquisition of knowledge, skills and vocabulary with a focus on children knowing more and remembering more. Our children will be taught about a range of scientists, introduced to key concepts and then given opportunities to consolidate and deepen their understanding through experiential, practical learning. As a result, all children, including SEND, will have the same opportunities to achieve and shine. Clear progression across year groups allows children to revisit and recap prior learning in order to embed skills and knowledge.
Science Rationale
the willesborough schools rationale template science.pdf
The 'make-up' of our curriculum
sciencecurriculum with concepts.pdf